Буквально вчера безумно хорошая девушка, красавица, умница, блоггер, автор и чуть-чуть фотограф Машечка Макуш порадовала нас, а в особенности меня, новым постом и отличной новостью. Всю неделю она работала над проектом "Fashion is My Profession" от Sunday up Market в составе команды PRIDE. Пожелаем ей и ребятам огромной удачи, терпения, слаженности и творческого успеха. Я верю, что у них все получится, а вам предлагаю познакомиться с ними, итак, команда PRIDE!
Just yesterday, a very good girl, beautiful, intelligent blogger, author and a little photographer Mashechka Makuch pleased us, especially me, a new post and great news. All week she was working on the project "Fashion is My Profession" from Sunday up Market in the team PRIDE. We wish them a huge success, patience, concentration and creative success. I believe they will win. I propose get acquainted with team PRIDE!
Just yesterday, a very good girl, beautiful, intelligent blogger, author and a little photographer Mashechka Makuch pleased us, especially me, a new post and great news. All week she was working on the project "Fashion is My Profession" from Sunday up Market in the team PRIDE. We wish them a huge success, patience, concentration and creative success. I believe they will win. I propose get acquainted with team PRIDE!

безумно милые ребята)
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